Microtech Expands to Serve Twin Cities
Microtech Welding Corp, answering strong demand for its micro welding capability, is excited to announce its planned expansion across the United States. Current markets in the Midwest include Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis, Michigan, and Wisconsin. In the South and Southeast, plans include Texas, Tennessee, and Florida. In the East, focus points are Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Connecticut. Microtech provides world class welding service to all its customers across the country in the medical, aeronautical and defense, and tool and die markets.
“We believe our ability to scale and superior response time, including all our welders all being AWS D17.1 Certified, is a key differentiator for us”, said Microtech Director of Production Mike Zehner about the company’s expansion. Microtech Director of Operations Ted Dienelt shares a similar optimism about growth into the markets, “Our lead times and focus on meeting and exceeding customer expectations put us in a unique position to offer world-class service for our customers”. Microtech’s metal sectioning lab is used to develop a weld process to fulfill our customer’s needs and meet print requirements, saving them valuable time and money. State of the art sectioning, polishing, and magnification equipment is used to develop an extremely accurate weld quality and penetration view.
In keeping up with robust demand, Microtech has added additional capacity at all its locations. Microtech can offer efficient and reliable micro welding services to include GTAW, LBW, aluminum welding, and tool and tie welding capabilities to any market through enhanced shipping and supply chain processes.
If you have any questions regarding our capabilities or services, please do not hesitate to contact us . We look forward to serving your micro welding needs!